Personal Identity
- Full Name : Asifah Ulul Azmi
- Nickname : Sifa
- Gender : Female
- Place, Date of Birth : Klaten, April 8th, 1998
- Ages : 18th (I am young wkwk)
- Nationality : Indonesia
- Height : 170 cm
- Weight : 50kg
- Relligions : Moslem
- Address : Bayemrejo (RT 20/RW 06) , Kalikebo, Trucuk, Klaten
- Zip Code : 57467
- Hobby : Collecting Stamp, Listening Music, Cooking, Travelling (only with my boyfriend wkwk), Reading the Qur'an.
- Social Media : Fb : Asifah Ulul Azmi
- instagram : asifahulul
- Email Address :
- Website :
- University : PDD-Politeknik Negeri Bandung Akademi Komunitas Negeri Kajen
- Father's Name : Surono
- Occupation : Surveyor
- Mother's Name : Lucia Ermina Wati
- Address : Bambang Lipuro Village, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
Okay, I guess this was more than enough. If there are any that need to be asked, please call my contacts that I have provided. Thank you.
Label: data diri
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