Jumat, 21 Oktober 2016

My Thrid Article About How Important English Language

in my opinion, the use of English in the digital age of now is a reasonable thing. because English is the language most used in the world. at the time of this sophisticated, all of modern tools at most use English. In essence, inevitably we have to speak English wkwk


My Second Article About Why I Choose RPL ans My First Experience When I've Got RPL

 Be honest, I choose RPL majors because of my dad. My dad told me to choose this majors. Previously I never expected prospective college and majored in RPL. If this year I'm permitted by Allah, maybe I'm going to college what I want. But the fact is not in favour to me. I denied bymore University this year. The origin of many of you know, the more painful the University rejected than rejected your own boyfriend huhuhuhu. After you fight with all his might, and the result is not like what you want huuuuuuhhhhhh very annoying.
 But it wants how else, these are all already outlined by the Almighty. A lot of people said to, perhaps this year instead of the your path to pursue State University you want, you should try again so harder that next year you can enter at the University that you've always wanted. Many people that always encourage me, because my condition is possible in a very down I'm so sad. 

Till now I got the right place to lecture at AKN, Yes, I'm very grateful, even though I never expected I would study here. So essentially I never even had a reason why I choose RPL majors hehehe.

And maybe because this is not a my talent in Informatics, then to follow the courses of Informatics I strongly feel the difficulties. I strongly feel that I was the most stupid wrong incoming lines in RPL. I strongly feel that I'm just wasting my time here. The experience I got at RPL, when I get one of the lessons, and the result was the ugliest here I felt that I was the most stupid person in this class hohoho


My First Article About My Hobbies and My Dreams

I am writing this article to complete the English lesson. Well, i will tell  about my hobbies and my dreams.  Lets read !

My name is Asifah Ulul Azmi, you can call me whatever it is up to you, Guys. I once called "genter" because I'm high resembles genter (dried bamboo/bamboo has been cleared), has been called "Asi" by my JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL teacher, then there are also called me "Sifa", "Luluk", "Romlah", "Rumana" , "Ul", etc. Important as the nickname that doesn't hurt me, I will accept it.

Well, I'll start telling you about a little hobby that I enjoy doing. You should know that i have so manyyyyyyyyyy hobbies, but i will telling you  only a few hahaha.
Okay, I very love collecting stamps. This hobby first started when my mother's correspondence with his friends, then I saw the pictures in the envelope, then me off and I collected in an album. Until this day I have one album with postage stamps. Stamps are very interesting and very funny from his pictures, it's what makes the hobby once I release the stamps from an envelope sent by my mother's friends. However, the times has now changed with the sophisticated technology, so my mother stop for the correspondence with her friends. So, love collecting stamps be vanished hahaha.

And then, my second hobby is cooking. Yeahhhhh, my hobby is to appear when my boyfriend Cook all sorts of dishes. And I as a woman did not want to be defeated by him. So, I was determined to be cooking more than he can. At first I was shopping for the ingredients, then I cooked it with tutorials from the internet. But the results are not fucked up, like what's in the tutorial. Then I asked my mom to teach me to Cook, and until now, finally I can cook. yeeeeeeyyy, i can cooking Chicken soy sauce, fried rice, soup, meatballs, soto, sauteed Kale, sauteed string beans, sauteed eggplant, egg martabak, sauteed mushrooms and sausage.

Then, my last hobby that i will tell to all of you is listening music. okay, music is a part of my life, yeaaaah my life I to share for my family, for my future, for my ideals, for my hobby, and for my boyfriend too wkwkwk. ok, i will mention about music that i love :

And many songs that I listen to. the third song that I mentioned is the most meaningful song. But essentially I was the observer's girls all shapes and sorts of music hahaha.
Well, after I tell you a little of my hobby, I will switch to tell about my dreams.

Yapppsss, I'm here not wanting to tell a lot bout what I dreamed, because this thing tomorrow will I tell to you when I've got it. Yes, I have a very high dream. Therefore I don't want to tell it now. I am  so Sorry :) 


Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Personal Identity

Well, it's been a few that I post to the blog and do not taste good if you don't know a lot about my personal data. Okay, Let's read!

  1. Full Name               : Asifah Ulul Azmi
  2. Nickname                : Sifa
  3. Gender                    : Female 
  4. Place, Date of Birth : Klaten, April 8th, 1998
  5. Ages                        : 18th (I am young wkwk)
  6. Nationality              : Indonesia 
  7. Height                     : 170 cm
  8. Weight                    : 50kg
  9. Relligions                : Moslem
  10. Address                   : Bayemrejo (RT 20/RW 06) , Kalikebo, Trucuk, Klaten
  11. Zip Code                 : 57467
  12. Hobby                : Collecting Stamp, Listening Music, Cooking, Travelling (only with my boyfriend wkwk), Reading the Qur'an.
  13. Social Media            : Fb : Asifah Ulul Azmi
  14. instagram                : asifahulul
  15. Email Address          : asifah.ulul@gmail.com
  16. Website                   : https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asifahulul
  17. University                : PDD-Politeknik Negeri Bandung Akademi Komunitas Negeri Kajen
  18. Father's Name          : Surono 
  19. Occupation              : Surveyor
  20. Mother's Name         : Lucia Ermina Wati
  21. Address                   : Bambang Lipuro Village, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. 
Okay, I guess this was more than enough. If there are any that need to be asked, please call my contacts that I have provided. Thank you.


Selasa, 11 Oktober 2016


Tanpa banyak basi-basi, postingan saya kali masih soal coding, yapss coding membuat program menghitung luas persegi panjang di Dev-C++

1. Langkah yang pertama, buka aplikasi Dev-C++ terlebih dahulu

2. Kemudian klik Ctrl+N untuk memulai lembar kerja pembuatan program tersebut.

3. Kemudian ketikkan seperti dibawah ini :

Keterangan :

pada bagian gambar dibawah ini boleh diketikkan dalam lembar kerja boleh juga tidak, karena ini hanya sebagai judul sebagai judul sehingga ini terserah si pembuat.

4. Kemudian compile dengan menekan tombol F11 hingga muncul kotak dialog Save As. Simpan di folder yang telah anda siapkan, kemudian klik Save.

5. Kemudian akan muncul tampilan program yang kita inginkan, kemudian masukkan angka yang kita butuhkan .

taraaaaaa hasilnya dengan otomatis akan muncul. Lebih mudahkan, selamat mencoba teman-teman



Langsung saja, untuk kali ini saya akan memposting tentang coding untuk membuat program menghitung volume bola di Dev-C++

1. Langkah pertama, buka aplikasi Dev-C++ terlebih dahulu

2. Kemudian klik Ctrl+N untuk memulai lembar kerja pembuatan program tersebut.

3. Kemudian ketikkan seperti dibawah ini :

4. Kemudian klik F11 kemudian klik Save di folder yang sudah kalian siapkan, dan tunggu hingga muncul tampilan program yang kita buat seperti ini :

yihaaaaaaa hasilnya sudah jadi nih teman-teman, selamat mencoba yaaaa !



okeee, langsung saja. kali ini saya akan memposting coding cara menghitung luas lingkaran. yukkkkk simaaak !
Langkah-langkah :
1. Buka aplikasi Dev-C++

2. Kemudian klik Ctrl+N untuk memulai lembar kerja pembuatan program tersebut.

3.  Kemudian ketikkan codingnya seperti dibawah ini: 

4. Kemudiantekan F11 hingga muncul kotak dialog Save As, kemudian simpan di folder yang telah anda siapkan dan klik Save. Setelah itu tunggu sebentar hingga muncul hasil program yang kita buat dan masukkan angka-angka sesuai dengan perhitungan yang kita butuhkan pada program yang kita buat tersebut :

taraaaaaaaa sudah bisa kan .... Selamat mencoba ya teman-teman, semoga bermanfaat..

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