My Second Article About Why I Choose RPL ans My First Experience When I've Got RPL
Be honest, I choose RPL majors because of my dad. My dad told me to choose this majors. Previously I never expected prospective college and majored in RPL. If this year I'm permitted by Allah, maybe I'm going to college what I want. But the fact is not in favour to me. I denied bymore University this year. The origin of many of you know, the more painful the University rejected than rejected your own boyfriend huhuhuhu. After you fight with all his might, and the result is not like what you want huuuuuuhhhhhh very annoying.
But it wants how else, these are all already outlined by the Almighty. A lot of people said to, perhaps this year instead of the your path to pursue State University you want, you should try again so harder that next year you can enter at the University that you've always wanted. Many people that always encourage me, because my condition is possible in a very down I'm so sad.
Till now I got the right place to lecture at AKN, Yes, I'm very grateful, even though I never expected I would study here. So essentially I never even had a reason why I choose RPL majors hehehe.
And maybe because this is not a my talent in Informatics, then to follow the courses of Informatics I strongly feel the difficulties. I strongly feel that I was the most stupid wrong incoming lines in RPL. I strongly feel that I'm just wasting my time here. The experience I got at RPL, when I get one of the lessons, and the result was the ugliest here I felt that I was the most stupid person in this class hohoho
Label: experience
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